Colorado Parks and Wildlife Awards Auction and Raffle Licenses

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission selected the recipients of the Big Game Auction and Raffle Licenses for 2022-2026. The RMBS was awarded the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep auction and raffle licenses, the mountain goat raffle license, and one of two raffle pronghorn licenses.

The Big Game Auction and Raffle License Program began in 1989 with an auction and raffle license for both bighorn sheep and mountain goat. Moose auction and raffle licenses were added in 1996, followed by deer, elk, and pronghorn in 2001. Currently there are a total of 18 licenses, one each of auction and raffle for bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and moose, and two each of auction and raffle for deer, elk, and pronghorn. The program has generated over $4.4 million in the last 5 years, breaking the $1 million mark in 2021 for the first time in 2021.

Auction and raffle licenses are awarded to qualifying conservation organizations through an RFP process every five years. Selected organizations must return at least 75% of funds generated through the auctions and raffles to CPW. Organizations may retain the remainder of funds to cover the costs associated with administering auctions and raffles and to utilize for their own conservation work. Each conservation organization has a representative serve on the CPW Project Advisory Committee which meets annually to consider project proposals for funding with the 75% of revenue returned to CPW.

To learn more about the Big Game Auction and Raffle Licence Program, please visit the CPW website.

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